adventure to Bhutan, this enchanting kingdom, renowned for its pristine natural beauty and rich biodiversity, offers a haven for bird enthusiasts seeking to witness a remarkable array of avian wonders.

Journey through diverse landscapes, from lush forests and serene valleys to soaring mountain peaks, each harboring a unique symphony of feathered inhabitants. Train your binoculars on the vibrant plumage of the Satyr Tragopan, a rare and elusive pheasant, or marvel at the majestic wingspan of the Himalayan Monal, its iridescent colors glistening against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains.

Let the melodious calls of the Rufous-necked Hornbill guide you through the verdant canopy, and delight in the playful antics of the Long-billed Wren-Babbler as it flits among the undergrowth. Keep a keen eye out for the elusive Fire-tailed Myzornis, its fiery tail feathers adding a splash of brilliance to the verdant landscape.

As you traverse the pristine trails of Bhutan’s protected parks and sanctuaries, immerse yourself in the harmonious coexistence of nature and culture. Engage with local communities, whose deep reverence for the natural world echoes in their sustainable practices and harmonious coexistence with the winged inhabitants of their land.

A birding tour to Bhutan is an invitation to discover a world where avian wonders take flight amidst breathtaking landscapes, a symphony of colors and sounds that will forever etch themselves in your memory.

Bhutan Birdwatching Expedition: A 19-Day Avian Adventure



Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, Wangdue, Trongsa, Mongar, Yongkola, Zhemgang, Panbang

Bhutan Birdwatching Expedition: A 19-Day Avian Adventure

18 days 19 Nights

Bhutan Spring Birding Tour

Spring Birding


Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, Wangdue, Trongsa, Bumthang, Mongar, Zhemgang, Gelephu

Bhutan Spring Birding Tour

16 days

Birds Pic Collection


Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, Wangdue, Trongsa, Bumthang, Mongar, Trashigang,

Birds Pic Collection

7 Days Wilderness (Birds)



Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, Phobjikha

7 Days Wilderness (Birds)

7 days 6 Nights

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