Phobjikha Valley

Wangdue Phodrang, Western Bhutan

BUILT : 1613

Phobjikha Valley, is a pristine glacial valley ensconced between the Black Mountains. Revered for its natural beauty and biodiversity, the valley sits at an elevation of about 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) above sea level. This serene landscape, also known as Gangtey Valley, is renowned for being the winter roosting ground for the endangered black-necked cranes that migrate from Tibet.

The valley is adorned with traditional Bhutanese farmhouses, fluttering prayer flags, and the majestic Gangtey Monastery, a 17th-century marvel perched on a hill. Visitors to Phobjikha Valley can relish the tranquility of the surroundings, embark on nature walks, and witness the harmonious coexistence of nature and Bhutanese culture. The valley’s scenic grandeur, coupled with its cultural significance, makes it a captivating destination for those seeking a genuine Bhutanese experience.

  • Dzongkhag : Wangdue Phodrang
  • Region : Western Bhutan
  • Built : 1613

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