Wangdue Phodrang, Western Bhutan

BUILT : 1638

Wangdue Dzong, located above on the ridge Wangdue in Bhutan, is a majestic fortress that stands as a testament to Bhutan’s rich cultural heritage. Built in 1638, the dzong served as a strategic defense fortress and an administrative center for the region.

Perched atop a hill overlooking the Punakha River, Wangdue Dzong boasts impressive architecture with intricate woodwork and ornate paintings. The dzong’s towering walls and fortified structure exude a sense of grandeur and strength.

Unfortunately, in 2012, a devastating fire engulfed the dzong, leaving only the stone walls standing. However, efforts are underway to restore and rebuild this iconic structure to its former glory.

Wangdue Dzong holds great religious significance, housing sacred relics and serving as a venue for religious ceremonies and festivals. The annual Wangdue Tshechu, a vibrant festival featuring masked dances and rituals, takes place within the dzong’s premises, attracting locals and tourists alike.

A visit to Wangdue Dzong offers a glimpse into Bhutan’s rich history and cultural heritage, allowing visitors to appreciate the resilience and beauty of this architectural marvel.

  • Dzongkhag : Wangdue Phodrang
  • Region : Western Bhutan
  • Built : 1638

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