Paro, Western

BUILT : 1531

Dobji Dzong is considered to be the first model Dzong in Bhutan. The name Dogar, which means white border, is a reference to the “Five White Boulders” in the village of Dogar.

Dobji Dzong is a monastery in Bhutan located on a ridge along the national highway from Thimphu to Haa, in the Paro District. It was constructed in 1531 by Lam Ngawang Chogyel, the brother of Drukpa Kuenley. At present, the dzong serves as a monastic school for 35 monks.

The dzong was featured in the movie Travellers and Magicians released in 2003. 

The utse, which was previously used as the residence of Dogar Penlop and is currently undergoing a renovation funded by the King of Bhutan. The shrine within the dzong holds a sacred statue of Jetsun Milarepa, believed to have been brought from Druk Ralung in Tibet.

  • Dzongkhag : Paro
  • Region : Western
  • Built : 1531

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