Thimphu, Western Bhutan

BUILT : 2001

The Folk Heritage Museum, also known as Phelchey Toenkhyim, was established on July 28th, 2001, under the initiative of Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck of Bhutan. It aims to connect people with the rural past of Bhutan through exhibits, demonstrations, educational programs, and documentation of rural life. The museum, which is more than 150 years old, is dedicated to preserving the rural setting and flavor of Bhutan. It showcases traditional features such as paddy, wheat, and millet fields, a traditional water-mill, kitchen gardens with vegetables from the past century, and the famous traditional hot stone bath. 

The farmhouse, which serves as the principal exhibit, is a restored three-storied traditional rammed mud and timber house dating back to the mid-19th century. Visitors can explore the different levels of the house, which include a ground floor used for storing firewood and farming equipment, a second level for grain and food storage, and a third level that was the family’s living and dining area. 

The museum also cultivates native trees and plants with domestic uses, preserving indigenous knowledge about natural resources. Located in the heart of Thimphu, the museum provides a patch of greenery amidst the capital city. A visit to the Folk Heritage Museum offers a unique experience to delve into Bhutan’s rural past and experience the traditional lifestyle of the region.

  • Dzongkhag : Thimphu
  • Region : Western Bhutan
  • Built : 2001

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