Paro, Western

BUILT : 1968 & 1983(Commercial flights)

The country’s first international airport is located in Paro.

Paro International Airport, Bhutan’s sole international gateway, is a marvel nestled in the stunning Paro Valley. Operating at an elevation of 7,332 feet (2,235 meters), it boasts a backdrop of majestic Himalayan peaks. Established in 1968 and commercialized in 1983 the airport has a unique approach, requiring skilled pilots to navigate through challenging mountainous terrain. The runway, one of the world’s most demanding, is short and narrow, demanding precision during takeoff and landing.

Beyond its technical prowess, Paro Airport is a symbol of Bhutan’s commitment to preserving its cultural and environmental heritage. The airport’s strict regulations, including a daylight-only operation and limitations on the number of flights, reflect the nation’s dedication to minimizing the impact of air travel on its pristine surroundings. Landing at Paro International Airport is not just a journey’s start; it’s an immersive introduction to Bhutan’s harmonious blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and a commitment to sustainable practices.

  • Dzongkhag : Paro
  • Region : Western
  • Built : 1968 & 1983(Commercial flights)

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