Gomphu Kora

Trashi Yangtse, Eastern Bhutan

BUILT : 15 cent

Gom Kora, located in Trashi Yangtse, Bhutan, is a sacred site revered for its historical and religious significance. The centerpiece of this pilgrimage destination is the Gom Kora Temple, believed to have been blessed and sanctified by Guru Rinpoche, the revered Buddhist master.

Legend has it that Gom Kora is associated with the triumph of good over evil. The site is believed to be the spot where Guru Rinpoche subdued an evil spirit in the form of a gigantic snake. Pilgrims and devotees gather annually for the popular Gomphu Kora festival, celebrating the victory of Buddhism in the region.

Surrounded by scenic landscapes and perched on a small hill beside the Kholongchu River, Gom Kora offers not only spiritual solace but also a picturesque setting for contemplation. The temple, adorned with traditional Bhutanese architecture, stands as a cultural and religious gem, welcoming visitors to connect with Bhutan’s spiritual heritage.

  • Dzongkhag : Trashi Yangtse
  • Region : Eastern Bhutan
  • Built : 15 cent

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